about me/Q&A

by - June 09, 2017

aloha!! welcome to my blog and my very first blog post *que nervousness*. i am not quite sure how to write a "good" blog but i will try. I have always wanted to blog and share my favourite things about life with the world but have always been too scared to start, so finally i thought i would bite the bullet and try (like they say trying never hurt nobody)

I am Stephanie or Steph, a 20 year old girl from the little (not so little) city of Adelaide, Australia. It is pretty special down here in Adelaide, there isn't much too do and everyone knows each other but hey i think that is what makes it pretty great. Amongst working full time, i spend majority of time with my boyfriend/bestie of two years (he is AMAZE) and shopping wayyyyy too much but someone has to right?

I thought a Q & A could be a better way to get to know me then rambling on so here are some little things about me :) Enjoy!

- what is your favourite thing to do on weekends?  shop, eat or wear my pj's and binge watch old KUWTK (guilty) + OH and do my makeup *haha* i dont wear it to work during the week, so i love the weekends for glam time!!!

- did you go to uni? i did and i dropped out after like 6 months, i decided working and earning money was a better option for me (considering i am a shopaholic) but i basically gained the same skills and knowledge in my job that i would of in uni

- do you have any pets? one pupper named koko, she is a german shepherd and CRAZY but super cute.

- what is your go to fashion piece at the moment? i have 2 actually i really am into oversized sweatshirts and mom/girlfriend jeans!! (it is freezing here FYI)

- favourite food? chocolate !!!

- favourite drink? Tea, of course (english breakfast to be exact)

- guilty pleasure? makeup, sorry bae

- favourite place to travel to? MELBOURNE for sure!!! my all time fav (side fact was going to move there but met bae instead)

- any holidays planned? a cruise in November *party*

- what type of things will you be blogging about? um i think a range of things, from holidays to day trips and clothing or makeup hauls to my thoughts on the world. i think it will depend on what happens that week :)

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