12 Days of Christmas: New Years Resolutions

by - December 24, 2017

DAY 12

day 12, new years resolutions. i can't believe another year is over just like that and what a year it has been. honestly this year has been mentally challenging but i am happy with what i have managed to achieve. 
i managed to buy a new car (which was a goal of mine at the end of 2016), go on two amazing holidays and complete a qualification. its crazy how quickly a year can fly by. 

for 2018, i have a few new years resolutions. starting with being more positive. i tend to be quite negative at times, especially when its to do with change or something out of my comfort zone. i like things to be structured and planned so when things don't go to plan or the way I've thought them out i can get pretty negative. 
in 2018 i would love to just be more relaxed and open minded. all round just a little more positive. i don't really like to admit that i tend to be a negative but i think its time i start to focus on it and really try and work on it. i guess i have realised that you aren't going to get much out of life if you think about things negatively and at the end of the day you aren't going to live a full life if you don't step out of your comfort zone and try new things. 

"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today." - Will Rogers

my second resolution for 2018 is to save more and spend more. save more money and spend more time experiencing things that you can't put a price tag on. 2017 has been a big year of me spending money on some things for experiences (like holidays, my car etc) and some (a lot) of materialistic goods. don't get me wrong i love shopping but it has come to a point where i don't even get adequate use of items before i am onto something new. 
in 2018, i want to take the time to save and start focusing on the prospects of owing a home and the future. i want to travel and save enough to really enjoy it (PS we booked another cruise). i want to try new things and go to more concerts or to more shows and really enjoy the moment and experience. 
i find that i feel my voids with shopping and if i am feeling sad or annoyed or even bored i will shop, this new year i am really going to try and find other things to make me 'happy' and fulfil me. 
in 2018 i want to be more nurturing to my body and mind. i want to really focus on me and having a happy and full year. i plan on getting back into the gym (come back to me motivation) and getting back to where i am happy with my body. in saying this, i also want to learn to love myself who i am and for what i have got and not compare myself to others. 
i want to expand my mind and read more books especially self help books and learn to grow my self esteem. i also want to stop searching for everyones approval and do things that i want to do. i think these days with so much of our lives online, we think its necessary to fit in and do what everyone else is doing and get the likes and share our purchases and 'fancy' moments, because of this we get the mindset that everything needs to be a certain way to 'upkeep' our online imagine. in 2018 i really i want to stop giving a f*ck about what i think people think of me and do me and focus on what is going to make me feel good internally and externally. 

so in saying all this, i hope 2018 is another safe and healthy year for me, you and all our loved ones. may there be more peace and laughter in the world in 2018 and thankyou for joining me on this journey this year, i am looking forward to what the New Year brings.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

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