12 Days of Christmas 2018: DIY Christmas Cards
Day 11
day 11 is all about doing it yourself.
normally i am not a DIY kind of girl but i thought i would give making my own Christmas cards a go this year.
i am going to be mostly using the Kikki K Paper Lover's Christmas Book and other various crafty bits i have around the house. realistically you can probably use whatever you like when it comes to making cards.
i like Kikki K's Papers Lovers book because it has pretty much everything you need inside; from paper to stickers, lettering to envelopes you can basically make a card from scratch. Kikki K also include little boxes, ornaments and mini cards if you don't have time to make them yourself.
i decided to make cards for just my family this year, i don't think people appreciate receiving a card on Christmas as much as they would on their birthday so i thought i would just keep it at immediate family.
what you need:
- card or paper of your choice
- stickers
- white paper
- lettering
- envelope
- pen
- glue stick
- sticky tape
- scissors
how to:
1. take the piece of card or paper you want to use as the exterior of your card, this may have a pattern or design on it that you want to display. cut it into the size you want your card to be, if its not already in the desired size.
2. get a piece of plain white paper and either cut it so it is smaller then the exterior piece of card (so there is a border when placed inside the piece of exterior card) or leave it so it is the same size as the exterior card. glue it to the exterior piece of card.
3. now fold the card in half so it makes a 'card' and is openable and closeable.
4. decorate the front of the exterior card with your choice of lettering, stickers etc.
5. now on the inside of the card where you wish to write a message, you can either place stickers to read a desired message such as 'merry christmas' or 'happy holidays' or you can write this with a pen.
6. write a message in the card to your loved one and you are done! (place in envelope if desired.)
i hope this little DIY helped in some way, writing instructions has never been my strength!
Merry Christmas.
instagram: @lifebyssblog
email: lifebyssblog@gmail.com